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This morning in Sunday School, our teacher taught us about a state of India that is a little bit further east than Meghalaya where we were last week. The state of Nagaland is in the northeastern corner of India where it borders Myanmar (Burma). Nagaland has a higher percentage of Christians living there than any other state in India—as many as 90% of the people living there are thought to be Christians. That means for every ten people you would meet, nine of them would know and love Jesus.
Many people have spent decades reaching out to the Naga people. They built more than a dozen theological colleges. They have worked hard to translate the Bible into many of the languages that the Naga tribes speak. And the people of Nagaland have sent missionaries to other parts of India to tell the people everywhere that Jesus died for them because He loves them and that He is alive now forever.
The people of Nagaland still need us to pray for them. The people are broken up into many different tribes. Some of the tribes don’t get along and end up fighting. Some of them think Nagaland should be its own country. And some of the people are forgetting that being a Christian means more than just saying you believe in something. They need to remember that if they don’t show in their lives what loving Jesus is all about by living the way He wants them to, other people may not get to know Him either.
“Dear God, please help all the people of Nagaland to hear about Jesus and to know Him, love Him, and let Him help us each to live the way He created us to so that others will see and want to know and love Him, too. Thank You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
Interesting info, Bonnie. It shows the effectiveness of spreading the gospel and the ongoing need to continue supporting impoverished (either financially, physically, socially or spiritually) areas. Thank you! 🙂
Thank you so much for your note!
We prayed for India this fall and helped raise money for children’s Bible clubs. I didn’t know very much about the people of India before we did our study. It was interesting to learn, and now we get a newsletter from the missions group that guides us in praying.
Leah, that’s great when you can connect directly with a missions group. It is so nice to know specifically what to pray for. There is a non-profit called Christian Aid Mission that I love getting material from. They have a different missions outreach to pray for each day of the month.
I love learning about new places. Thanks so much for sharing.
Thank you Karen for stopping by!