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Today in Sunday School, we imagined we got a chance to visit the state of Tamil Nadu. If I had to describe Tamil Nadu in two words, I think I’d use a lot. There were a lot of different things there.
For one thing, there is a lot of water. Tamil Nadu is on the southeastern tip of India. It touches the Bay of Bengal, the Indian Ocean, and the Arabian Sea. There are lots of rivers and waterfalls throughout the country.
For another thing, there are a lot of people living there—over 70 million of them! About 7.5 million people live in the city of Chennai (which used to be called Madras). The people represent more than 500 different people groups.
Tamil Nadu also has a lot of businesses based here. As a matter of fact, it has more businesses found in it than any other state in India.
But one thing Tamil Nadu does not have a lot of is Christians, even though there are more Christians living here than in many other states in India. There are missionary classes and Bible schools, churches and businesses that serve God and tell others about Jesus. There is usually less severe persecution against Christians in Tamil Nadu than in other parts of India.
Yet, even with all of that, there are still hundreds of thousands of people who do not know about Jesus and His love. So that is what I am going to pray about today. I’m going to pray that God helps a lot of people of Tamil Nadu hear about Him and trust Him. Will you pray, too?
“Dear God, please help the people of Tamil Nadu to hear about your love for them. Help them believe You and trust You. Help them to become a land where a lot of people know You and tell a lot of other people about Your love. Thank You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
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