These 9 American history titles can help your students learn more about the 1900s. Each resource complements one or more of the topics covered in A Detective’s Guide to American History: 1900-2000 but can also stand alone. From writing prompts and board games to guided drawing, activities, and timeline work, there are lots of ways to make history fun and exciting. Explore the Great Depression, World War II, space exploration, and much more. 330 pages total.
Facts About Famous People-Black History Color and Copy: Facts About Famous People: Black History Color & Copy helps students discover ten influential people from Black history. Each unit begins with a short description of the person that can be read aloud or independently. Next, students can practice handwriting by tracing key facts about the person or by copying the facts onto the lined paper that follows (print and cursive formats are included). A page is included for students to record additional information about each person if they wish. Each unit concludes with a picture of the person to color. Facts About Famous People: Black History Color & Copy includes Martin Luther King, Jr.; Coretta Scott King; Constance Baker Motley; Charles Drew; Benjamin O. Davis, Jr.; Benjamin Banneker; Susie King Taylor; Katherine Johnson; Jesse Owens; and Dorie Miller.
Learning About George Washington Carver Activity Pack: The Learning About George Washington Carver Activity Pack is a fun way for young students to learn about the life and work of this incredible scientist. More than a dozen activities are included such as a short reading passage, a cut and paste activity that challenges students to remember what they heard in the story, a cut and paste picture-based timeline to build of George Washington Carver’s life, a short reading passage about the life cycle of a peanut and a related cut and paste activity, as well as mazes, word searches, drawing activities, simple copywork, and more related to his life and work.
Construct a Timeline-The 1920s: Construct a Timeline of the 1920s is a fun, hands-on way for students to learn about the 1920s in America and around the world. Students can cut out the shapes with the illustrations and match them to the timeline that is provided. They can color the illustrations if they wish. Instructions are included for how to use the unit as an introduction to the time period or as a review at the end of a study of the 1920s. In addition, they can share the completed timeline with others, talking through what they’ve learned as an additional review exercise. A timeline of 40 events is included and explores topics such as Presidents of the United States, athletes, scientists and inventors, explorers, key laws in the United States, famous landmarks, and more.
Reporting From the Great Depression: The Reporting From . . . series combines writing and history into a fun assignment that can be done by a single student or an entire classroom. This unit includes “The Big Picture” that provides a brief summary of people and events related to the Great Depression. It’s designed to serve as a springboard for further discovery and to help students understand how the people and events in the unit are related. An “On Assignment” section follows, which includes ten newspaper reporter assignments, from reporting on the bank crisis and attending a farm sale to interviewing farmers dealing with the dust storms. Next, the student is given newspaper templates to create their news articles. Photographs are included to give the student’s paper an authentic feel. When the student or class is done, they will have ten illustrated articles related to the Great Depression and a better understanding of the events and people involved.
Draw and Explore History: People of World War II, Vol. 1: The Draw and Explore History series is a great way to combine art and history. A short description of ten different famous people from World War II is given. Each is followed by an image of the person on a grid. Next, students can do one or all of the assignments that follow. They can draw half of the image in a grid that shows the left half of the picture, half of the image in a grid that shows the right half of the picture, or the entire image on an empty grid. This makes the unit completely flexible for both left-handed and right-handed students. Ten review questions and an answer key are also included. People include Gregory “Pappy” Boyington, Omar Bradley, James Doolittle, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Oveta Culp Hobby, George C. Marshall, Dorie Miller, Audie Murphy, George S. Patton, and Ernie Pyle.
Draw and Explore History: People of World War II, Vol. 2: The Draw and Explore History series is a great way to combine art and history. A short description of ten different famous people from World War II is given. Each is followed by an image of the person on a grid. Next, students can do one or all of the assignments that follow. They can draw half of the image in a grid that shows the left half of the picture, half of the image in a grid that shows the right half of the picture, or the entire image on an empty grid. This makes the unit completely flexible for both left-handed and right-handed students. Ten review questions and an answer key are also included. People include Winston Churchill; Henry Duncan Graham Crerar; Charles de Gaulle; Charles R. Drew; William Halsey, Jr.; Douglas MacArthur; Bernard Montgomery; Chester Nimitz; Bertram Ramsay; and Joseph Stalin.
World War II: Across All Fronts Activities, Games, and Quizzes: This printable pack of World War II activities for kids contains eighteen activities including timelines, word searches, fill-ins, matching, decoding, and word puzzles. It is a fun way for upper elementary and middle school students to review what they’ve learned and discover new facts. You’ll take a closer look at the people, places, and events of World War II and look at battles fought in Europe, North Africa, and the Pacific.
Writing Prompts From History: World War II-American Home Front (Ages 6-10): From cheering up wounded troops to new chores at home and dealing with rationing, you can immerse your 6-10-year-olds in daily life on the American home front of World War II with Writing Prompts from History. Each volume in the 6-10-year-old version includes a short introduction to the topic studied to help your student understand the historical context of the writing prompts. Ten writing prompts follow, each on its own notebooking page. An additional ten notebooking pages are also included to help capture longer stories. Help your students start writing and exploring with these fun writing prompts and spark a story in their imagination today.
Draw and Explore Science: Space Exploration: The Draw and Explore Science series is a great way to combine art and science. A short description of ten different satellites, ships, and other objects related to space exploration is given. Each is followed by a related image on a grid. Next, students can do one or all of the assignments that follow. They can draw half of the image in a grid that shows the left half of the picture, half of the image in a grid that shows the right half of the picture, or the entire image on an empty grid. This makes the unit completely flexible for both left-handed and right-handed students. Ten review questions and an answer key are also included. Sputnik, Vostok, Friendship 7, Gemini 4, Soyuz, Apollo 11 lunar command module, Salyut, Skylab, Columbia, and Mir are studied.
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