Junior Notebooking Journals incorporate primary writing lines and lots of room to draw to help younger kids engage with what they are learning, commit more of it to heart, and have fun while learning. The Bible Stories Junior Notebooking Journal Set gives younger children a chance to draw and write about eighty-seven familiar Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments. You can use them alongside any Bible curriculum or in your family Bible time.
There are three pages for each story. Students can draw a picture of one part of the story, write the names of the people in the story, and write what they learned from the story. Or they can dictate their answers to you so you can write their answers down. They can then copy the answers into their notebook.
A set of blank pages is included in each Junior Notebooking Journal so you can add additional stories to your notebooks. 273 pages. Ages 5-10.
Old Testament Bible Stories Junior Notebooking Journal: Bible stories included are Creation; Adam and Eve; Cain and Abel; Noah and the Flood; Tower of Babel; Abraham, Sarah & Isaac; Isaac and Rebekah; Jacob and Esau; Jacob’s Special Dream; Jacob and Rachel; Joseph; Moses is Born; Moses and the Burning Bush; Moses and the First Plagues; Moses, the Tenth Plague & Passover; Israelites and the Red Sea; Manna, Quail & Water in the Desert; The Ten Commandments; Golden Calf; Canaan and Twelve Spies; Rahab; Crossing the Jordan River; Battle of Jericho; Gideon; Samson; Ruth; Young Samuel; Saul; David and Goliath; David and Jonathan; Solomon Builds the Temple; Elijah; Elijah and the Prophets of Baal; Elijah and Elisha; Elisha and the Widow’s Oil; Elisha and the Shunammite’s Son; Healing of Naaman; King Josiah; Jonah; Daniel and His Friends Obey God; Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego; Daniel and the Lions’ Den; and Esther.
New Testament Bible Stories Junior Notebooking Journal: Bible stories included are Zechariah and Elizabeth; Angels Tells of Jesus’ Birth; Jesus is Born; Jesus is Presented at the Temple; Wise Men Visit Jesus; The Boy Jesus at the Temple; Jesus is Baptized; Jesus is Tempted; Jesus Turns Water Into Wine; The Beatitudes; Parable of the Sower; Parable of the Good Samaritan; Parable of the Lost Sheep and Lost Coin; The Prodigal Son; Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man; Jesus Calms the Storm; Jesus Casts Out Demons; Jairus’ Daughter and a Sick Woman; Jesus Feeds Five Thousand; Jesus Walks on Water; Jesus Feeds Four Thousand; Jesus Heals a Blind Man; Jesus Heals Ten Lepers; Peter Says Jesus is the Messiah; The Transfiguration; Mary and Martha; Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead; Zacchaeus; Jesus Blesses the Children; Jesus Enters Jerusalem; Jesus Cleanses the Temple; The Widow’s Gift; The Last Supper; Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet; Garden of Gethsemane; Crucifixion; The Resurrection; Jesus Appears in the Upper Room; The Ascension & Great Commission; Pentecost; Peter and John Heal a Beggar; Apostles Freed From Jail; Saul and the Road to Damascus; and Paul and Silas in Prison.
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