Christmas Around the World Card Game is a fun card game that helps kids learn about how Christmas is celebrated in twenty different countries. A set of six cards is included for each of the 20 countries, with each card in a set featuring an image of something that has a special meaning at Christmas for the people in a certain country. For example, to collect the New Zealand set, kids need to collect the cards showing jandals, a pōhutukawa, a pukeko in a ponga tree, a hangi, pavlova, and Christmas crackers. The object of the game is to get as many sets of cards as possible. Six wild cards are included, and blank cards are also included for adding to the game. The game can be played with as many or as few of the sets as you choose to create a longer or shorter game. All cards are provided in color and in black and white. 126 cards (color), 126 cards (black and white), and 34 pages total. Ages 5-18.
Kids can discover Christmas in Argentina, Croatia, Finland, Ghana, Greece, Iceland, India, Jamaica, Madagascar, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Romania, Scotland, Switzerland, Turkey, Vietnam, Wales, and Zambia with this fun game.
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