The Christmas Around the World Super Bundle includes 9 resources and hundreds of pages that explore Christmas in 20 different countries! Introduce your kids to Christmas in Argentina, Croatia, Finland, Ghana, Greece, Iceland, India, Jamaica, Madagascar, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Romania, Scotland, Switzerland, Turkey, Vietnam, Wales, and Zambia with these fun resources that include Story of Christmas Around World Coloring Books, Volumes 5-8; Christmas Around the World Card Game, Vol. 2; Christmas Foods Around the World Notebooking Journal, Vol. 2; Draw & Explore Social Studies: Christmas Foods Around the World, Vol. 2; Christmas Traditions Around the World Notebooking Journal, Vol. 2; and Christmas Around the World Creative Writing Notebook, Vol. 2. There are materials for every age from 5-18 in this bundle, so the whole family can learn together! Learn more and see a preview of each resource below.
The Christmas Around the World Card Game, Vol. 2 is a fun card game that helps kids learn about how Christmas is celebrated in twenty different countries, and you can easily play shorter or longer games as you prefer. Both a color and black and white version are included.
With the Christmas Foods Around the World Notebooking Journal, Vol. 2 and Christmas Traditions Around the World Notebooking Journal, Vol. 2, students can explore the world as they learn about 100 Christmas foods and 42 Christmas traditions from around the world and record information about each one.
In Draw & Explore Social Studies: Christmas Foods Around the World, Vol. 2, you can combine art and history in one fun unit. Students learn from a short description of ten different foods or meals and then practice copying the examples on grids. Ten review questions and an answer key are also included.
The Christmas Around the World Creative Writing Notebook, Vol. 2 is the perfect way to engage students in creative writing while having some holiday fun and learning about other cultures. They can use the research and brainstorming prompts to guide them in writing a short story or a five-paragraph essay about Christmas in twenty different countries.
The story of Christmas around the world is shared in the Story of Christmas Around the World Coloring Books, Volumes 5-8. This HUGE set includes 900+ coloring pages with copywork about Christmas in twenty different countries. Kids can discover all sorts of interesting facts about the way families in these countries celebrate Christmas, what they enjoy eating for special Christmas meals, and much more. These units focus on faith, family, and food traditions and customs. There is no mention of Santa Claus or gift-giving traditions. Two levels are available, Levels B and C.
Christmas Around the World Card Game, Vol. 2
Christmas Around the World Card Game is a fun card game that helps kids learn about how Christmas is celebrated in twenty different countries. A set of six cards is included for each of the 20 countries, with each card in a set featuring an image of something that has a special meaning at Christmas for the people in a certain country. For example, to collect the New Zealand set, kids need to collect the cards showing jandals, a pōhutukawa, a pukeko in a ponga tree, a hangi, pavlova, and Christmas crackers. The object of the game is to get as many sets of cards as possible. Six wild cards are included, and blank cards are also included for adding to the game. The game can be played with as many or as few of the sets as you choose to create a longer or shorter game. All cards are provided in color and in black and white. 126 cards (color), 126 cards (black and white), and 34 pages total.
Christmas Foods Around the World Notebooking Journal, Vol. 2
Christmas Foods Around the World Notebooking Journal, Vol. 2
With the Christmas Foods Around the World Notebooking Journal, Vol. 2, students have a chance to discover 100 traditional Christmas foods from at least twenty different countries. They can research and record key information about each type of food and record what country/countries include it in their Christmas celebrations, how it is a part of Christmas, how it is made and its main ingredients, and if it’s served along with other traditional Christmas foods. Foods from Argentina, Croatia, Finland, Ghana, Greece, Iceland, India, Jamaica, Madagascar, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Romania, Scotland, Switzerland, Turkey, Vietnam, Wales, and Zambia are included, and some of the foods are enjoyed in additional countries as well. An image of each type of food is also included. 103 pages total.
Christmas Traditions Around the World Notebooking Journal, Vol. 2
With the Christmas Traditions Around the World Notebooking Journal, students have a chance to discover 42 Christmas traditions from at least twenty different countries including everything from asado and globos to licitars and wycinanki. They can research and record key information about each tradition and record what it is, what country/countries include it in their Christmas celebrations, what the history of the tradition is, and other interesting facts they discover. Traditions from Argentina, Croatia, Finland, Ghana, Greece, Iceland, India, Jamaica, Madagascar, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Romania, Scotland, Switzerland, Turkey, Vietnam, Wales, and Zambia are included, and some of the traditions are enjoyed in additional countries as well. An image representing each tradition is also included. 45 pages total. Ages 8-13.
Draw & Explore Social Studies: Christmas Foods Around the World, Vol. 2
The Draw and Explore Social Studies series is a great way to combine art and social studies. A short description of ten different foods associated with Christmas celebrations is given. Each is followed by an image of the food or meal on a grid. Next, students can do one or all of the assignments that follow. They can draw half of the image in a grid that shows the left half of the picture, half of the image in a grid that shows the right half of the picture, or the entire image on an empty grid. This makes the unit completely flexible for both left-handed and right-handed students. Ten review questions and an answer key are also included. Foods included are asado (Argentina), baumstriezel (Switzerland), Christopsomo (Greece), fufu (Ghana), hangi (New Zealand), krumkaker (Norway), laufabrauð (Iceland), kuswar (kuswad) (India), pierogi (Poland), and toffee (Wales). 31 pages total.
Christmas Around the World Creative Writing Notebook, Vol. 2
The Christmas Around the World Creative Writing Notebook is the perfect way to engage students in creative writing while having some holiday fun and learning about other cultures. Research questions about Christmas traditions in twenty different countries around the world are given that explore different aspects of faith, family, and food. Students can use these questions as prompts to guide them in independent research and record what they learn.
Next, they can fill out a brainstorming sheet for writing either a short story or a five-paragraph essay (or both if desired). Finally, they can write their short story and/or their essay. They can complete as many of the writing assignments as desired. Christmas traditions in Argentina, Croatia, Finland, Ghana, Greece, Iceland, India, Jamaica, Madagascar, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Romania, Scotland, Switzerland, Turkey, Vietnam, Wales, and Zambia are explored. Ages 11-18. 132 pages.
Story of Christmas Around the World Coloring Book Bundle 2, Vol. 5-8
The story of Christmas around the world is shared in this HUGE bundle that includes 900+ coloring pages with copywork about Christmas in Argentina, Croatia, Finland, Ghana, Greece, Iceland, India, Jamaica, Madagascar, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Romania, Scotland, Switzerland, Turkey, Vietnam, Wales, and Zambia. Kids can discover all sorts of interesting facts about the way families in these countries celebrate Christmas, what they enjoy eating for special Christmas meals, and much more.
These units focus on faith, family, and food traditions and customs. There is no mention of Santa Claus or gift-giving traditions. A short introduction in each book highlights what the Christmas celebrations in the book have in common, and the end of each book focuses on thanking community helpers who don’t always get to take Christmas off to be with their families. It’s a great way to work some social studies, holiday fun, and handwriting practice into your day. You can even display the pages around the room when you’re finished. Two levels are available, Levels B and C. Ages 5-10.
*Please note that the Introduction and Community Thank You pages repeat in each volume, but each volume includes 200+ coloring pages about Christmas in five different countries with no repeated images or countries between volumes. The Story of Christmas Around the World Bundle includes 900 unique coloring pages with copywork.
Story of Christmas Around the World Coloring Book, Volume 5
The story of Christmas around the world is shared in this HUGE resource that includes coloring pages and copywork about Christmas in Jamaica, Norway, Romania, Switzerland, and Zambia. Kids can discover all sorts of interesting facts about the way families in these countries celebrate Christmas, what they enjoy eating for special Christmas meals, and much more. They can discover what is fluffy and white that floats through the air in Jamaica (hint: it’s not snow), what the people of Norway do on “Little Christmas Eve,” why Norway sends a Christmas tree to the United Kingdom each year, what country awards a marzipan pig as a fun prize at Christmas, why Christmas was illegal for a time in Romania, what country has some of the oldest Christmas carols in the world, where you can make lanterns out of radishes, where you can enjoy Advent windows, how people in Zambia celebrate Christmas, and so much more.
Coloring pages are broken down as follows: Introduction (6 pages), Christmas in Jamaica (47 pages), Christmas in Norway (62 pages), Christmas in Romania (42 pages), Christmas in Switzerland (50 pages), Christmas in Zambia (25 pages), and Community Thank You (15 pages). There are 247 coloring pages with large print or cursive, traceable copywork. 250 pages total.
Story of Christmas Around the World Coloring Book, Volume 6
The story of Christmas around the world is shared in this HUGE resource that includes coloring pages with copywork about Christmas in Argentina, Ghana, Iceland, Vietnam, and Wales. Kids can discover all sorts of interesting facts about the way families in these countries celebrate Christmas, what they enjoy eating for special Christmas meals, and much more. They can discover when the Christmas season officially starts in Argentina and what animals you might add to your Nativity set, what an asado is, what a globo is and what part it plays in Christmas celebrations, what kind of trees you decorate in Ghana, why some families in Iceland hang Christmas lights in October, what smelly dish is part of the days leading to Christmas in Iceland, how the “Christmas flood of books” tradition began, how people in Vietnam celebrate Christmas, when you can celebrate “Toffee Night” in Wales, when the special Plygain service is held, and so much more.
Coloring pages are broken down as follows: Introduction (6 pages), Christmas in Argentina (47 pages), Christmas in Ghana (42 pages), Christmas in Iceland (54 pages), Christmas in Vietnam (34 pages), Christmas in Wales (41 pages), and Community Thank You (15 pages). There are 239 coloring pages with large print or cursive, traceable copywork. 242 pages total.
Story of Christmas Around the World Coloring Book, Volume 7
The story of Christmas around the world is shared in this HUGE resource that includes coloring pages with copywork about Christmas in Greece, India, Madagascar, Scotland, and Turkey. Kids can discover all sorts of interesting facts about the way families in these countries celebrate Christmas, what they enjoy eating for special Christmas meals, and much more. They can discover why you decorate with large ships made of Christmas lights in Greece, who displayed the first Christmas tree in Greece, what Christopsomo is, what kinds of trees you decorate in India and Madagascar, where families hang paper star lanterns, what Christmas flower is common in Madagascar, why some families decorate with a candle in the window in Scotland and when Christmas was outlawed there, who began the tradition of serving a Dundee cake, how people decorate for Christmas and New Year’s in Turkey, what Turkish delight is made from, and so much more.
Coloring pages are broken down as follows: Introduction (6 pages), Christmas in Greece (40 pages), Christmas in India (42 pages), Christmas in Madagascar (47 pages), Christmas in Scotland (44 pages), Christmas in Turkey (45 pages), and Community Thank You (15 pages). There are 239 coloring pages with large print or cursive, traceable copywork. 242 pages total.
Story of Christmas Around the World Coloring Book, Volume 8
The story of Christmas around the world is shared in this HUGE resource that includes coloring pages with copywork about Christmas in Croatia, Finland, New Zealand, Peru, and Poland. Kids can discover all sorts of interesting facts about the way families in these countries celebrate Christmas, what they enjoy eating for special Christmas meals, and much more. They can discover what licitars are and how they are used in Croatia, where it’s common to roast a pig on a spit for the Christmas meal, where the Declaration of Christmas Peace is read, what tree is considered the “New Zealand Christmas tree,” when the first Christmas service in New Zealand was held, how the “Twelve Days of Christmas” are different in New Zealand, what a hangi is and what is needed for one, what a chocolatada is and where you can go to one, what a Peruvian Christmas retablo holds, what wycinanki is and where you can try it, what a szopka is and where you can see one, what you have to see before you can eat the Star Supper, where it’s tradition to keep a live carp in your bathtub before Christmas, and so much more.
Coloring pages are broken down as follows: Introduction (6 pages), Christmas in Croatia (43 pages), Christmas in Finland (29 pages), Christmas in New Zealand (60 pages), Christmas in Peru (33 pages), Christmas in Poland (52 pages), and Community Thank You (15 pages). There are 238 coloring pages with large print or cursive, traceable copywork. 241 pages total.
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