You’ve learned about Columbus and da Gama, but what about Alaminos, Bellingshausen, and Fawcett? Explorers A-Z Notebooking takes you on a journey through lesser-known expeditions, led by men whose names you may not have heard but whose discoveries were important to all those who came after them. A short history of each explorer is provided along with notebooking pages to record information and research or essay questions to complete. This unit looks at the following explorers and expeditions: Antonio Alaminos, Fabian von Bellingshausen, Pedro da Covilha, Semyon Dezhnev, Edward John Eyre, Percy Harrison Fawcett, Marie Joseph Garnier, Sven Hedin, John and Sebastian Cabot, Giovanni da Verrazano, Alejandro Malaspina, Matthew C. Perry, Kublai Khan, Jakob Le Maire, Robert John McClure, Gustav Nachtigal, Francisco de Orellana, Vincente Pinzon, Pedrode Quiros, Jacob Roggeveen, Georg August Schweinfurth, Abel Janszoon Tasman, Francisco de Ulloa, George Vancouver, Samuel Wallis, Francisco Xeres, Yermak Timofeyevich, and Dr. Livingstone’s exploration of the Zambezi River. 35 pages total. Ages 8-13.
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