This Learning About Science for Young Learners series for kindergarten or early elementary explores life science, earth science, and physical science, and includes 180 short, daily, bite-sized lessons accompanied by simple activities as well as experiments in the physical science unit. Activities include coloring, crafts, matching, tracing, cut and paste, and much more. You can use these units separately or use them together for a 36-week full-year course.
Teach your children about types of animals, what makes different types of animals special, how they live, some of the many different habitats they live in, what plants are, the parts of a plant, what plants need to live, basic plant life cycles, continents, oceans, mountains, seasons, weather, soil, pollution, recycling, conservation, physical characteristics, states of matter, temperature, the sun, light, color, shadows, magnets, sound, friction, energy, simple machines, and more with this series. See a preview of each title at the links below.
All measurements are given in both English and metric. Perfect for ages 5-7 or Kindergarten-First Grade. 379 pages.
Learning About Science for Young Learners: Animals: Introduce your children to types of animals, what makes different types of animals special, how they live, and some of the many different habitats they live in with Learning About Science for Young Learners: Animals. Each topic is broken into short, bite-sized pieces accompanied by simple activities. You can work through the entire book or simply choose to focus on specific topics. If you choose to work through the entire unit, there are 60 daily lessons, broken into twelve weeks of five days each. Each week has four days of science and activities and one day of review. The final week is a review for the unit.
Learning About Science for Young Learners: Plants: Introduce your children to what plants are, the parts of a plant, what plants need to live, and basic plant life cycles with Learning About Science for Young Learners: Plants. Each topic is broken into short, bite-sized pieces accompanied by simple activities. You can work through the entire book or simply choose to focus on specific topics. If you choose to work through the entire unit, there are 30 daily lessons, broken into six weeks of five days each. Each week has four days of science and activities and one day of review. The final week is a review for the unit.
Learning About Science for Young Learners: Earth Science: Introduce your children to continents, oceans, mountains, seasons, weather, soil, pollution, recycling, and conservation with Learning About Science for Young Learners: Earth. Each topic is broken into short, bite-sized pieces accompanied by simple activities. You can work through the entire book or simply choose to focus on specific topics. If you choose to work through the entire unit, there are 30 daily lessons, broken into six weeks of five days each. Each week has four days of science and activities and one day of review. The final week is a review for the unit.
Learning About Science for Young Learners: Physical Science: Introduce your children to physical characteristics, states of matter, temperature, the sun, light, color, shadows, magnets, sound, friction, energy, and simple machines with Learning About Science for Young Learners: Physical Science. Each topic is broken into short, bite-sized pieces accompanied by simple activities. You can work through the entire book or simply choose to focus on specific topics. If you choose to work through the entire unit, there are 60 daily lessons, broken into twelve weeks of five days each. Each week has four days of science, activities, and simple experiments and one day of review. The final two weeks are a review for the unit.
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