Help students learn the terminology of natural disasters such as fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and volcanoes by copying 115 keywords and their definitions. Each copywork page also includes a border with geometric patterns that students can color and use to design patterns if they wish. Available in print and cursive handwriting versions. See a preview of each title at the links below.
You may also enjoy Weather Activity Bundle (Ages 8-10).
Floods Terminology & Copywork: Help students learn the terminology of floods with this copywork featuring 20 keywords and their definitions. Keywords covered include flood, hydrology, hydrologist, recurrence interval, flash flood, sediment, flood plain, storm surge, tsunami, megaflood, seiche, levee, spillway, floodgates, floodway, watershed, flood control, dam, ice jam, and hurricane. Twenty-five pages total. Available in print and cursive handwriting versions.
Hurricane Terminology & Copywork: Help students learn the terminology of hurricanes with this copywork featuring 20 keywords and their definitions. Keywords covered include tropical disturbance, tropical storm, tropical cyclone, hurricane, flash flood, storm surges, typhoon, severe tropical cyclone, severe cyclonic storm, Coriolis effect, positive feedback loop, wind shear, eye, eyewall, rainbands, Saffir-Simpson scale, meteorology, meteorologists, landfall, and atmospheric pressure. Twenty-five pages total. Available in print and cursive handwriting versions.
Tornadoes Terminology & Copywork: Help students learn the terminology of tornadoes with this copywork featuring 20 keywords and their definitions. Keywords covered are tornado, cyclone, supercell, mesocyclone, updraft, front, anvil, wind shear, waterspouts, landspouts, vortex, counterclockwise, clockwise, dryline, wall cloud, mesoscale convective system, suction spots, Enhanced Fujita Scale, Doppler radar, and vortex chamber. Twenty-five pages total. Available in print and cursive handwriting versions.
Volcanoes Terminology & Copywork: Help students learn the terminology of volcanoes with this copywork featuring 30 keywords and their definitions. Keywords covered include volcano, magma, magma chamber, vent, geothermal energy, volcanologist, lava, fluid lava, pahoehoe, aa, pyroclasts, tuff, volcanic ash, lapilli, volcanic bombs, pumice, scoria, cinder cone, spatter, spatter cones, hydromagmatic eruption, eruption column, convective rise, lahars, shield volcano, stratovolcano, basalt, dormant, extinct, and Volcanic Explosivity Index. Thirty-six pages total. Available in print and cursive handwriting versions.
Fire Fighting Terminology & Copywork: Help students learn the terminology of fires and firefighting with this copywork featuring 25 keywords and their definitions. Keywords covered are aerial ladder truck, arson, brush company, combustion, elevating-platform truck, Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Medical Technicians, engine company, fireboat company, fire extinguisher, fire prevention, fire retardant, flashover, forcible-entry tools, ignition temperature, ladder company, overhaul operations, oxidation, paramedics, protecting exposures, rekindle, salvage, smoke jumpers, spontaneous combustion, and ventilation. Thirty-one pages total. Available in print and cursive handwriting versions.