This unit is designed to help young writers see the connection between print and cursive by practicing them together while enjoying learning about beetles and butterflies. In the first pages of the unit, words are stacked so that print is immediately followed by cursive. Students then trace the words in the same pattern. Finally, students can write both words following the pattern. After the seventeen individual terms, students can practice seventeen complete sentences using the same pattern. 44 pages total. Ages 5-10.
kristy.kutanzi –
My daughter might yet grow up to be an entomologist! She has always been fascinated by insects. What better way to build a curriculum around her interests than with this! I love that the product can teach both print and cursive so you can use it for many years. This is much more fun than just writing the alphabet out or random words and sentences.
WriteBonnieRose –
I’m glad she can practice with something she loves, thank you!