Thomas Alva Edison Coloring Book with Copywork includes 18 coloring pages with an additional 18 pages of cursive copywork to trace that is perfect for young writers. Introduce your students to the life of Thomas Alva Edison, his work, and many of his inventions including the electrographic vote recorder, phonograph, electric meter, electric light, talking doll, kinetoscope, Vitascope projector, storage battery, Edison-Laland cell, and more with this 39-page coloring book. Available in print and cursive handwriting versions. Ages 5-10.
Also works great with A Detective’s Guide to American History: 1800 to 1900!
kristy.kutanzi –
We use this resource with the “Who was …” series (on Amazon). I love how this highlights the key take-away points about Edison and the work he has done.
WriteBonnieRose –
Thank you so much!