This U.S. History series for kindergarten or early elementary includes short, daily, bite-sized lessons accompanied by simple, no-prep activities. You can use these units separately or use them together for a 36-week or 40-week full-year course. Teach your children about the discovery of America, the establishment of early English colonies, what life was like in the early days of what would become a new nation, the French and Indian War, early conflicts between the colonies and Britain, the Founding Fathers, the American Revolution, the formation of the nation’s government, the Constitution, the Lewis and Clark expedition, expansion west, the war with Mexico, the Civil War, advancements in technology and transportation, the Spanish-American War, some of the many cultures that have made the United States the nation it is today, holidays and celebrations, and much more with this series. Ages 5-7. See a preview of each title at the links below.
U.S. History: Discovery and Early Colonies: Teach your children about the discovery of America, the establishment of early English colonies, and what life was like in the early days of what would become a new nation with this history ebook, U.S. History: Discovery and Early Colonies. Each topic is broken into short, bite-sized pieces accompanied by simple, no-prep activities. You can work through the entire book or simply choose to focus on specific topics. If you choose to work through the entire unit, there are 45 daily lessons, broken into nine weeks of five days each. Each week has four days of history and activities and one day of review. Come along and meet John Smith, Pocahontas, the Pilgrims, William Penn, James Oglethorpe, and many more in this 71-page ebook that is perfect for kindergarten and lower elementary!
U.S. History: Foundations and Freedom: Teach your children about the French and Indian War, early conflicts between the colonies and Britain, the Founding Fathers, and the American Revolution with this history ebook, U.S. History: Foundations and Freedom. Each topic is broken into short, bite-sized pieces accompanied by simple, no-prep activities. You can work through the entire book or simply choose to focus on specific topics. If you choose to work through the entire unit, there are 45 daily lessons, broken into nine weeks of five days each. Each week has four days of history and activities and one day of review. Come along and meet George Washington, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Paul Revere, Patrick Henry, Nathanael Greene, Alexander Hamilton, John Paul Jones, Marquis de Lafayette, and more in this 71-page ebook that is perfect for kindergarten and lower elementary!
U.S. History: Growth and Change: Teach your children about the formation of the nation’s government, the Constitution, the Lewis and Clark expedition, expansion west, the war with Mexico, the Civil War, advancements in technology and transportation, the Spanish-American War, and much more with this history eBook. Each topic is broken into short, bite-sized pieces accompanied by simple, no-prep activities. You can work through the entire book or simply choose to focus on specific topics. If you choose to work through the entire unit, there are 70 daily lessons, broken into fourteen weeks of five days each. Each week has four days of history and activities and one day of review. Come exploring with this 124-page eBook that is perfect for kindergarten and lower elementary!
U.S. History: Building America: Teach your children about some of the many cultures that have made the United States the nation it is today, including Native Americans, African Americans, and Mexican Americans, as well as people from China, Japan, Puerto Rico, Germany, Ireland, Scandinavia, and Russia. Each topic is broken into short, bite-sized pieces accompanied by simple, no-prep activities. You can work through the entire book or simply choose to focus on specific topics. If you choose to work through the entire unit, there are 20 daily lessons broken into four weeks of five days each. Each week has four days of history and activities and one day of review. Discover just a few of the cultures that have combined into the melting pot of America with this 52-page eBook that is perfect for kindergarten and lower elementary.
U.S. Holidays and Celebrations: The purpose of this unit is to help you teach your children about the history of twenty-four holidays and celebrations and have fun with simple, no-prep activities. The lessons can be shared in a number of ways. You can use the unit throughout the year to study each holiday as it comes about, or you can use it as part of your history and social studies curriculum. If you choose to use it as part of your regular studies, there are 20 daily lessons, broken into four groups of five days each. Each week has four days of holidays and activities and one day of review. Holidays studied are: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Inauguration Day, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter, Earth Day, Arbor Day, National Day of Prayer, Mother’s Day, Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Father’s Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Election Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.
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