Teach your children about the discovery of America, the establishment of early English colonies, and what life was like in the early days of what would become a new nation with this history ebook, U.S. History: Discovery and Early Colonies. Each topic is broken into short, bite-sized pieces accompanied by simple, no-prep activities. You can work through the entire book or simply choose to focus on specific topics. If you choose to work through the entire unit, there are 45 daily lessons, broken into nine weeks of five days each. Each week has four days of history and activities and one day of review. Come along and meet John Smith, Pocahontas, the Pilgrims, William Penn, James Oglethorpe, and many more in this 71-page ebook that is perfect for kindergarten and lower elementary! Ages 5-7.
SAVE when you purchase all five titles! This book can stand alone or can be used in a series. U.S. History: Discovery and Early Colonies (9 weeks), U.S. History: Foundations and Freedom (9 weeks), U.S. History: Growth & Change (14 weeks), and U.S. History: Building America (4 weeks), fit together for a full 36-week kindergarten or lower elementary U.S. history curriculum. An optional 4-week social studies unit, U.S. Holidays and Celebrations, is also available.
kristy.kutanzi –
This is a very family-friendly resource. I had my older elementary kids read this to my 5 year old. They had a chance to review the main points of US history during the discovery of America and the early colonies and the youngest enjoyed all the fun coloring activities and mazes.
WriteBonnieRose –
I’m very glad to hear you used it with the kids learning together, thank you!