This American Presidents Compare and Contrast Notebook is designed to help students research and learn about the first 45 Presidents of the United States.* It includes multiple activities for students to research and then compare and contrast the personal lives, terms, domestic issues faced, and international issues faced for each President as well as major events in U.S. and world history that happened during their terms. The worksheets included compare two Presidents at a time sequentially (George Washington and John Adams; Thomas Jefferson and James Madison; etc.), and a blank set of worksheets is included for students to compare Presidents from different time periods such as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
For each pair of Presidents studied, there is a research page where students can record information for each President regarding personal information (family information, previous jobs held, etc.), terms (years served, party represented, etc.), domestic issues faced (economy, rights, etc.), major U.S. events that happened during his time in office, international issues (trade, wars, etc.), and world events that happened during his time in office.
The second activity is a pair of Venn diagrams to complete. The third assignment is to draw a picture of one of the Presidents studied or something the President is remembered for. The final assignment is to create flashcards to help them remember key U.S. and world events that happened during each President’s time in office. See the resource preview for examples and more detail on how to use this resource to help your students learn more about the Presidents of the United States. Ages 8-18.
158 pages total.
*For the format of this unit, Presidents need added in pairs after enough time has passed to evaluate both presidencies. This book will be updated in the future to reflect additional Presidents.
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