Bring spelling and vocabulary to life with Charlotte Mason copywork or dictation; games and puzzles; decoding; crossword puzzles; word scrambles; vocabulary practice; alphabetical order practice; word searches; antonym and synonym practice; review activities, and more! Special activities, such as a year-long project where students build their own personal dictionary, are included to increase and strengthen vocabulary. Enjoy our popular and easy-to-use spelling series that includes word lists, 36 weeks of spelling lists with copywork or dictation and activities, review worksheets, answer keys, and more.
One of the most popular features of this spelling program are the fun games and puzzles, which are wonderful alternatives to the old method of simply copying a list of words repeatedly. Plus, students are exposed to Scripture, classic works of literature, and famous speeches.
There are seven Scripture passages from the King James Version included:
- Psalm 111:1-10
- Matthew 22:15-22
- Romans 8:31-39
- Romans 12:1-5
- Ephesians 1:13-21
- James 1:17-22
- 1 John 2:1-5, 9-12
There are excerpts (or complete texts) included by authors such as:
- Walt Whitman—”To a Locomotive in Winter” and “I Hear America Singing”
- Nathaniel Hawthorne—“The Great Stone Face”
- William Wordsworth—“Lines Written in Early Spring” and “Ode: Intimations of Immortality”
- Mark Twain—“Bluejays”
- Alexander Pope—“An Essay on Criticism”
- Washington Irving—“Rip Van Winkle”
- Leo Tolstoy—War and Peace
- Ernest Lawrence Thayer—”Casey at the Bat”
- John Greenleaf Whittier—“A Dream of Summer”
- Jane Austen—Pride and Prejudice
Excerpts of famous speeches and other notable works include:
- “The Mayflower Compact” (complete text)
- Winston Churchill—“We Shall Fight on the Beaches”
- President Theodore Roosevelt—”Citizenship In A Republic”
- President George W. Bush—“A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America” dated October 31, 2008
- James Madison—Inaugural Address given on March 4, 1809
- George Washington—First Annual Message to Congress on the State of the Union given January 8, 1790
- Noah Webster—various writings
- Patrick Henry—speech made before the delegates of Virginia on March 23, 1775
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