With the Timeline of the History of Trains Chronological Copywork, students have the chance to learn about 32 key moments in the history of trains. A list of the information at the beginning of the unit is followed by each date/event on a separate page with room to copy the information. It’s a fun way to get the big picture of what was going on in history while sharpening handwriting skills. 37 pages total. Available in print or cursive handwriting versions. Ages 8-13.
Also works great with A Detective’s Guide to American History: 1800 to 1900!
kristy.kutanzi –
I have two boys that LOVE trains (while I know nothing about them), so we searched Bonnie Rose’s site for something that could give them more information about a topic they enjoy. I love that I just print off the resource and hand it off to them. It’s truly a blessing to have open-and-go materials on hand!
WriteBonnieRose –
I have a friend whose little guy loves trains, and I was in the same boat. I had to do my homework to make this for all the train lovers out there!