Could you use a done-for-you, fun, and engaging way to get your kids excited to dig into God’s Word? Bible Investigators: Creation is a new and incredible way to do exactly that.
If you’ve ever sat down with your kids, read a Scripture passage, and then wondered what to do or talk about next, this book is for you. This Bible study is designed for ages 8-12 and includes 272 pages of learning, puzzles, and fun activities designed to help your kids become amazing independent Bible investigators. It teaches kids to observe, interpret, and apply God’s Word as they learn what the Bible teaches on a particular subject.
The focus of this unit is the Creation account, but it doesn’t stop there. In addition to the events of the Creation account, it digs into truths such as:
- Every House Has a Builder
- God Formed Me Wonderfully
- God Created Me for His Glory
- God is Eternal and Uncreated
- God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit All Took Part in Creation
- Every Good Gift is from God
- God Blesses Us
- God Gives Us the Sabbath and Work
- God Gives Us Marriage
- To Disobey God is to Sin
- Adam and Eve Sinned
- Jesus Paid for Our Sin
- Believe in Jesus and Confess Belief
The entire Bible study is built on the theme of your children as Bible investigators. It shows them how to observe (pay attention to what they are reading as they look for clues), interpret (figure out what the Bible means in that section and put the clues together), and apply (decide how the truth of God’s Word impacts their lives today and why God’s truth matters). As they solve the puzzles, they learn skills for reading and interpreting the Bible.
I love the clever way author Danika Cooley draws kids in and guides them through page after page of fun activities that engage not only the mind but the heart. She skillfully introduces advanced vocabulary such as ex nihilo and merism on a level kids can understand but keeps the text fun by creating mental pictures of almost getting squished by a house and an elephant trying to live in a tree!
In addition to helping children process, understand, apply, and explain the Biblical truths God has laid out in his Word to us, this puzzle book helps kids learn to think critically, apply logic, think deeply about they have read, and record their personal thoughts and reflections about God’s Word. It’s perfect for homeschools (independent work, morning time, or Bible lessons) and can easily be used as a semester-long study. It’s also perfect for churches to use with various classes. The book includes a link to free downloads that include copies of the puzzles. This makes it perfect for families with more than one child or for classes so everyone can easily work together. (You can also use it to reprint a puzzle if your child makes a mistake while completing his or her book.)
This puzzle book is definitely NOT simple busy work. This is a puzzle and activity book packed with 90 brain-teasing puzzles that explore 40 Bible passages and 30 concepts regarding God’s Creation. It teaches kids to observe, interpret, and apply what they learn. It teaches the foundational doctrine of Creation in a fun way so kids can not be conformed to this world but “be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2 ESV).
Bible Investigators: Creation will do more than teach them about Creation. It will give kids the tools they need to continue to dig into God’s Word, engage with it, and let it change their lives.
Find out more about Bible Investigators: Creation and grab free lapbooks to use alongside the book.
*I received a copy of Bible Investigators: Creation free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. Affiliate links were used in this post. See full disclosure here.
Thanks for your heartfelt words and really unique ministry here! You are a help to me and so many! THANKS for all you do!
Thank you so much for your encouraging words!