State Report Templates: United States History & Geography are perfect for students of any age who need to create a report about a specific state they are studying. There are eight different templates included, ranging from basic templates for younger students to longer and more in-depth templates for older students. Parents and teachers can use whichever template fits the needs of their students or mix and match to customize the learning experience.
The eight templates include a variety of writing and drawing activities, with all templates including some drawing activities. The templates for younger students focus on more drawing and less writing; templates for older students include more writing and less drawing.
By the time students reach the most advanced template, they will have room to draw the state and label its capital, major cities, and borders; learn about key rivers and mountains; draw and learn about a famous landmark; create a timeline of key events (younger students may choose to illustrate the events); draw and learn about a famous person; record information about when the state joined the Union, what number state it was, key landforms in the state, the state motto, and the population of key cities; and draw and write about state symbols including the state bird, state tree, state flower, and state flag. Various versions and combinations of these assignments are included in the other templates.
Students may choose to complete a template for their home state, a state they are studying, or even complete one for each state in the United States to form a larger study. 77 pages total. Ages 5-18.
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